May 15, 2010

Saturday Shenanigans - Part 2

My apologies for the long gap between posts. I'm afraid that my real job sometimes gets in the way of all the fun stuff - like posting up more pictures from the getaway!

On Saturday evening we held a fabulous banquet. Here's everyone sitting down and working away on a little puzzle we had at each place setting:

And another shot of some of our stitchers socializing (although I interrupted and asked them to look like they were having fun!):

We discovered that one of our stitchers chose to spend her birthday with us, so of course, her dessert came with a candle and a little song:

Naturally, we had more prizes to hand out. Here's a view of the table of goodies, before they were handed out:

Everyone received one of the packages on the left - the rest were all special prizes....
Kathrin spoke to the stitchers:

and she thanked Charland for spending the day with us by giving her these:

And finally the stitchers got their goody bags - it looks like they enjoyed opening them:

We had a lovely evening with lots of fun and friendship! up I'll unearth the photos from Sunday......

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